#TTOT Shout Outs! Topic: Returning Home
Although it may seem like the hardened travel nuts of the #TTOT universe would like nothing more than to spend forever traversing the world, there’s nothing like a good old natter about what they miss most to moisten those misty eyes. Stopping short of melancholy, this week’s Travel Talk on Twitter was all about celebrating the wonderful rush that comes from stepping over the threshold of one’s own castle, downing a proper cuppa, and curling up in those clean, crisp sheets of your own bed after a long time away. Say what you will about all that adventurous stuff…there’s simply no place like home.
The questions this week were:
Q1. You know you’re really home when…
Q2. Which country did you find it hardest to return home from, and why?
Q3. Share a custom you discovered through travel that came home with you for good.
Q4. What do you most look forward to on your return home?
Q5. Ever experienced reverse culture shock when you got home?
The ‘Near, Ma, Wherever You Are’ Shout Out for Mom-entary lapses.
@Proj_Abroad_UK: My own mother once walked past me at Heathrow airport. Caused by excessive hair and serious tan.
The ‘I’m A Slumberjack’ Shout Out because that’s okay.
@TopdeckTravel: [You know you’re home when] There’s no longer a need to sleep with 5+ other people in the one room!
The ‘This Means War-drobe’ Shout Out for in-crease-ing your clothing range.
@GowithOh: [You know you’re home] …when you’re dressing out of an armoire instead of a suitcase!
The ‘Tailwinds Expected’ Shout Out for hitting the gas.
@randomswill: Not being surrounded by farting plane passengers. Endured it the other day. The pilot could have shut down the engines.
The ‘TTOTea Time’ Shout Out for playing tag.
@CityTripPlanner: “Put the kettle on!” #ttot (this tweet now with added hashtag)
The ‘Simply Divan’ Shout Out for fairy-tale cribs.
@MightyDealsUK: [You know you’re home when] …your bed feels like a fluffy cloud sprinkled with magic.
The ‘Are You Feline Alright?’ Shout Out for major Asian moggy fixations.
@georgieonthego: Did I mention cats? Japanese cats are so scared of being petted. I love you furry babies.
The ‘Trading Places’ Shout Out for shop tactics.
@wetfootprints: Trying to barter for food in Tescos……apparently unacceptable in the UK.
The ‘Heiss Heiss Baby’ Shout Out for speaking double Deutsch.
@trivago_uk: You’ve found a way to make German sound sexy? That’s like making hot ice!
The ‘Truth Or Dairy’ Shout Out for approaching this situation very Caerphilly.
@Flavours_France: [You know you’re home] …when there’s literally nothing in the fridge apart from some questionable cheese.
The ‘Doze and Don’ts’ Shout Out for knowing how to throw a proper slumber party.
@Rexthewriter: You can’t have a fiesta without a proper siesta.
The ‘Bean Rome-in’ Shout Out for getting your travel shots.
@ourtastytravels: Also love drinking my espresso standing up now, thanks Italy!
We’ll be taking a little break from #TTOT for a while, but never fear… we’re cooking up quite a surprsie for you all while we’re away! Don’t forget to join in with the world’s greatest travel chat at 9.30AM and PM (GMT) every Tuesday and be sure to watch this space for our very BIG announcement!